Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Beach Essay -- essays research papers

The Beach Siblings and sisters grow up belligerence, shouting, and battling from sunset until day break. The contentions territory from chatting on the phone, sharing the restroom, to who gets dibs on the vehicle. These showdowns give off an impression of being the standard between kin. In all actuality, when one encounters losing a sister, all the contending, shouting, and battling appear of little significance. I understood this during a rankling blistering July evening visit at the sea shore. The lengthy drive felt like an endless experience. Rather than cool air, the forced air system blew air from the doors of Hell. My sister and I sat in the rearward sitting arrangement of the ever-contracting Toyota Camry contending and hitting each other until father undermined us hollering, â€Å"Don’t make me drive this vehicle into a phone pole!† Mom sat on the opposite side with just two occupations, control the radio and explore us to the sea shore. Both were done inadequately, giving us static from the radio and forty-five minutes on a street with no name. Twilight of driving, which felt like an unending length of time, we at last showed up at the sea shore. Running toward the sea, I felt the cool sand crush between my toes. The water was clear and welcoming, shells spread the base, and moving waves accentuate the surface. My sister and I went into the sea, jumping through the waves and swimming as fast as could reasonably be expected. We rode gigantic waves into the shore on our pontoon and afterward swam back to get more. We had fun for a considerable length of time until I was completely depleted and hea...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

God Exists Essay Example For Students

God Exists Essay The presence of God has been an inquiry since the possibility of God was imagined Descartes attempts to demonstrate Gods presence, and to show that there is doubtlessly something outside to ones own reality. He is searching for a distinct conviction, an establishment for which he can base the entirety of his convictions and realize that they are valid. Descartes in general undertaking is to locate a positive conviction on which he can base all his insight and convictions. Descartes assaults the rules that help all that he accepts with his Method of Doubt. The Method of Doubt is Descartes strategy for basic addressing in which he questions everything that there is the scarcest motivation to question. Consider it like this. Nearly all that you accept to be genuine originates from the faculties or through the faculties. In any case, the faculties are some of the time tricky. Since the faculties are not totally reliable, it is unreasonable to put total trust in them. In any case, it is no little act of pure trust to assume that everything our faculties let us know is bogus. Truth be told, it appears to be practically crazy to state something like this. All things considered, as Descartes calls attention to, we have dreams routinely and in these fantasies, all that we experience is a fabrication of our creative mind, or if nothing else not genuine in the physical sense. In this way, it is sensible to question everything our faculties let us know, for the p resent. Presently, utilizing comparable rationale, we can say that all that we have gained from material science, stargazing, medication, and other such fields are altogether suspicious. Descartes even accepted we could state that such straightforward, consistent articulations as 2+3 = 5 or a square has 4 sides could be imagined to be bogus. Since I judge that others once in a while commit errors in issues that they accept they know most impeccably, may I not, in like style, be tricked each time I include two and three or check the sides of a square We are presently at where we are questioning everything our general surroundings, that we have a body, and whatever else that we might accept. Maybe I even uncertainty that I exist myself. In doing this, I am in the demonstration of questioning. How might I question something on the off chance that I don't exist? Additionally, perhaps I am misled into intuition I don't exist by some other substance. At that point I should exist for it is I who is being hoodwinked. This is the fundamental reason of Descartes celebrated Cogito Ergo Sum I think consequently I am. Here Descartes isn't saying anything regarding what we are here, simply that we are. Next, he will probably discover precisely what he is. Indeed, Descartes states, in the event that I exist, for to what extent do I exist? I exist for whatever length of time that I think, and on the off chance that I stop to figure, at that point I will likewise stop to exist. Consequently, I am only a reasoning thing that is, a thing that questions, comprehends, asserts, denies, wills, can't, and that additionally envisions and faculties. In spite of the fact that colloquialism he is these things is to be sure a strong articulation. Descartes feels that in his endeavor to demonstrate that he exists he has done those things, in this manner they should be a piece of what he is. Decartes proceeds to demonstrate the presence of God. He starts this by expressing that nothing can be made from nothing, and that the less flawless can not make something more great or superior to itself. He clarifies that he realizes he isn't flawless on the grounds that he questions, and knowing is more impeccable than questioning. From that he establishes that inside him lies this thought of an ideal being, and that he is unequipped for coming to such a thought without anyone else. In the event that there is a thought in our brains that we didnt make, something different made it. He didn't see anything in nature that would qualify as unrivaled as in he had expressed, so he discovered that the main other legitimate answer was that God set it in him, in this manner, God exists. Berkeley would contend that Descartes is burning through his time by attempting to find what must be totally evident in reality. In his Dialog, Berkeley contends that there is no genuine world, and that ever y reasonable article, those which can be quickly seen, exist just in the brain. He begins by demonstrating that auxiliary or outer characteristics exist just in the psyche by utilization of the Relativity of Perception Argument. For instance, Berkeley composes that in the event that you make one of your hands hot and the other cold, and put them into a vessel of water, the water will appear to be cold to one hand and warm to the next. Since the water can not be warm and cold simultaneously, it must follow that heat, an optional quality, should just exist in the brain. Berkeley likewise utilizes the characteristics of taste, sound, and shading as guides to demonstrate that every single optional quality must dwell in the psyche. .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .postImageUrl , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:hover , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:visited , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:active { border:0!important; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:active , .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:hover { obscurity: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relat ive; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u32da22ee517621fa0c a9ba6644b1a259 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u32da22ee517621fa0ca9ba6644b1a259:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Character Protect Life EssayHowever, Berkeley likewise says a similar contention can be applied to essential or characteristic characteristics. He composes that his own foot may appear to be an extensive measurement, however to littler animals, that equivalent foot may appear to be exceptionally enormous. Since an item can not be various sizes simultaneously, it follows that expansion must exist just in the brain. Further, since all other essential attributes can not be isolated from expansion, they too should exist just in the brain. With respect to what I accept about this contention, I dont absolutely trust it. It bodes well the way that he acquires a considerable lot of the contentions, and keeping in mind that they are completely based on an establishment that is solid for Descartes, himself, I don't generally share the establishments that he has confidence in. The way that he clarifies it isn't the main conceivable end and it appears as though he is constraining himself as he continued looking for truth in that he doesn't investigate the way that possibly there is no ideal being. Because we are not flawless positively doesn't imply that there is genuine flawlessness some place and the possibility of flawlessness that we have is pretty much a fluffy one and in light of the way that it is distinctive for everybody, there probably won't be a genuine supreme meaning of what it truly is. While Descartes evidence is exceptionally fascinating by they way he approaches inferring certainties by investigating a portio n of the choices that may be reality, I do make some hard memories tolerating a portion of the ends that he states as facts.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Glenn T. Seaborg Biography

Glenn T. Seaborg Biography Glenn Seaborg was a researcher who found a few components and won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Seaborg was one of the extraordinary pioneers of atomic science in the United States. He was liable for the actinide idea of overwhelming component electronic structure. He is credited as co-pioneer ofâ plutonium and different components up to component 102. One fascinating piece of random data about Glenn Seaborg is that he may have accomplished what the chemists proved unable: transform lead into gold! A few reports demonstrate the researcher transmuted lead into gold (by method for bismuth) in 1980.â Seaborg was conceived on April 19,â 1912â in Ishpeming, Michigan, and kicked the bucket on February 25, 1999 in Layfayette, California at age 86.â Seaborgs Notable Awards 1951 Nobel Prize for Chemistry with Edwin McMillan for look into with transuranic elements.Between 1946 and 1958, his group added ten new components to the intermittent table.Appointed director of the Atomic Energy Commission (1961-1971). Leader of American Chemical Society in 1976.Element 106 was renamedâ seaborgiumâ in his respect. There was debate over the component name, as it was given while Seaborg was still alive.Co-writer of around 500 logical articles and numerous books.Seaborg held more than 40 licenses, including the main licenses conceded for making synthetic components (curium and americium). Early Nuclear Chemistry and New Element Group - Actinides In February 1941, Seaborg with Edwin McMillan delivered and artificially distinguished the presence ofâ plutonium. He joined the Manhattan Project soon thereafter and began chip away at the examination of transuranium components and better approaches to separate plutonium from uranium. After the finish of the war, Seaborg moved back to Berkeley where he thought of the possibility of theâ actinideâ group, to situate higher numbered components in the occasional table of the components. Throughout the following twelve years, his gathering found components 97-102. The actinide bunch is a lot of progress metals with properties like one another. The cutting edge occasional table places the lanthanides (another subset of change metals) and actinides beneath the body of the intermittent table, yet in accordance with the progress metals. Cold War Applications of Nuclear Materials Seaborg was delegated administrator of the Atomic Energy Commission in 1961 and held the situation for the following ten years, serving three presidents. He utilized this situation to advocate the tranquil utilization of nuclear materials, for example, for clinical conclusion and medicines, cell based dating, and atomic force. He was additionally associated with the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Glenn Seaborg Quotes The Lawrence Berkeley Lab recorded a few of Seaborgs most axioms. Here are a few top picks: In a statement in regards to instruction, which was imprinted in the New York Times: The training of youngsters in science is in any event as significant, possibly more in this way, than the examination itself. In a remark about the revelation of the component plutonium (1941): I was a 28-year-old child and I didnt stop to ruminate about it, he told the Associated Press in a 1947 meeting. I didnt think, My God, weve changed the historical backdrop of the world! On being an alumni understudy at Berkeley (1934) and rivaling different understudies: Encircled by radiantly splendid understudies, I was dubious I could measure up. However, cheering up in Edisons decree that virtuoso is 99 percent sweat, I found a passerby mystery of progress. I could work more enthusiastically than the vast majority of them. Extra Biographical Data Complete Name: Glenn Theodore Seaborg Field of Expertise: Nuclear Chemistry Nationality: United States Secondary School: Jordan High School in Los Angeles Place of graduation: UCLA and University of California, Berkeley

Thursday, June 4, 2020

No Child Left Behind - Success Or Failure By

Education is the cornerstone of prospects and livelihood in a country. Ideally, better education equals better countrymen, equals better country. Hence, efforts are made by lawmakers to improve the quality of education in their respective countries. Aside from furthering progress as a whole with more and more well-educated students being produced, fostering high quality education also lands some bragging rights for a country as it climbs the education world rankingslook no further than countries like Finland.A notable example is the US education system. In 2003, U.S. federal statesmen implemented the No Child Left Behind Act, or NCLB, a revision of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. It aims to provide monetary support for children in need of financial assistance, with the goal of achieving better academic performance represented by the Adequate Yearly Progress report, which is conducted by each school in the country. The metric for such success is the proficiency of the students, measured by their assessment scores in standardized tests in the subjects of reading and math.The goal of this law is for all students in the United States to reach 100% proficiency, through an incremental increase in assessment score results that comply to an annual score quota. Schools that fail to reach the quota are sanctioned, based on how many years in a row they have been unable to attain the proficiency quota.NCLB is an approach to improving the overall quality of education by inclusivity by addressing financially troubled students. Is this an effective means of improving the quality of education as a whole? Read further for a discussion on the successes and failures of the law, with a conclusion on its effectiveness and how it can be improved.The impact of NCLBNo Child Left Behind achieved some success when the National Assessment of Educational Progress surveyed the scores of students in fourth grade and eight grade, classified based on race, scores in assessmen t tests on reading and math, and on respective years. Students of all races seemed to have improved since NCLBs implementation on the subject of reading, with some years enjoying the gaps between races closing at best, stagnating at least.While the subject of reading saw improvements in the average assessment scores of the students, by no means are they astronomically superior to the scores of the students prior to the implementation of NCLB. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP, overall performance in reading rose by 1 point in the decade prior to NCLBs implementation, from 1992 to 2003, increasing only slightly to 4 points within the decade after NCLB, from 2003 to 2013.Worse still, math saw stagnation in assessment scores at the very least, slight slowdown at worst. Overall performance in math was a notable 18 points in the previous decade, down to 12 points in 2003 to 2013 to a measly 4 points starting from 2007. Has education in the United State s improved because of NCLB?Somewhat, yes. But even though one may emphasize that there has been some form of improvement, this is nowhere close to the projected goal of 100% proficiency. In this way, yes: for the statesmen behind the law, it was a failure.One of the main reasons why No Child Left Behind failed is that reaching 100% proficiency is unrealistic. In no way can an entire target population attain the same level. This assumes that each member of the demographic is under the same living conditions as everyone else. Unless America is trying to run a factory, this can never be the case. Yes, characteristics such as financial status are taken into account. Even still, it is logistically impossible to factor every single individual, no matter how hard they try.Thinking that 100% proficiency is reachable, is also implausible. Aside from the students, the schools, and the state, there are infinitely other factors to take into consideration. Education does not live in a vacuum. It resides in an ever-changing climate. This is also why the success of No Child Left Behind is very limited: education in the United States faces an environment that always changes because of many factors. Political and social climate, especially, are undeniably influential, affecting various students in many ways. 100% proficiency may be plausible in the world ofceteris paribusall other things unchanged. Of course, reality says otherwise.Secondly, the word proficiency is used so narrowly here. Proficiency is meant to include only the subjects of reading and math. Other classes, such as literature, art, history, science, and physical education, are neglected. Granted, reading and math are two subjects that are both technical and universal. This does not mean, however, that what is learned from these subjects can easily be applied in other subjects.The skills in reading would be very helpful in dealing with literature, but literature on its own does not simply require reading comprehe nsion. Other skills such as critical thinking, literary analysis, and essay writing are also important. Likewise, math is an essential skill in science, but science also requires other skills like inference, experimentation, and reports.In other words, reading and math alone are essential in every other subject in the curriculum, but they are not the be-all, end-all subjects, either. The failure of No Child Left Behind stems from a very narrow, very technical understanding of how proficiency is defined.This point may not pose a real problem, if reading and math were not the only subjects being focused. As schools face the threat of sanctions, they are forced to make students focus on these two subjects, resulting in students neglecting other subjects in schoolsubjects that are still essential to their academic standing in school. Either this, or the school makes a compromise to ensure that students still pass despite the negligence of other subjects, so long as the proficiency perce ntage target is reached. Quality of education, as a whole, decreases.Proficiency becomes so controlled that students who are proficient are simply students who are proficient in reading and math, not proficient students in the holistic sense of the word.Proficiency becomes a quota, an end with little care for the means.Leaving nobody behindThe lawmakers probably had good intentions when they implemented NCLB. They were only trying to improve the quality of education in the United States through an all-inclusive approach, taking into consideration individual characteristics to ensure that such inclusivity be maintained. The partial success of No Child Left Behind may be found herethe US statesmen behind the act may be meaning well, in a way.At its core, however, their approach is quota-based. Their means themselves, systematic as they are, also resemble the core of the quota. The whole endeavor is one big quest towards a quota, with little care for the travels ahead. The failure of N o Child Left Behind is rooted in this reverence of the quota, following very eagerly the traditional conception of what education is: grades, because good grades make a good life.Such a conception of education fails in many regards. Philosophically, education cannot merely act as a means to an end; it should be pursued as an end in itself. This is important for students who seek a satisfying livelihood in the future. Even more so, this is important for statesmen seeking to improve the quality of education in the country. The goal for statesmen pursuing this endeavor must seek to improve not only the country but also the citizens themselves.Millennia ago, Chinese philosopher Confucius said that the quality of the state all boils down to the citizens, and so he advocated the growth of the individual through virtue and education, not only for the state but for themselves, first of all. This will lead to the prosperity and success of the state.Today, Confucius point is still relevant. T hough it may sound patronizing to speak from common sense on such a serious matter, it must be reiterated that society is made of individuals, and poor individuals make a poor society.The most important point of this line of thinking is the emphasis on the individuals more than society itself as a whole. They are the foundation of society, existing before society itself. Without the individuals, there is no society to speak of. To focus on society first is to use its citizens towards an end that does not necessarily benefit them. And because it wants to better itself, it will do so in the most efficient and effective way. At worst, this is dehumanizing.This does not mean that the failure of No Child Left Behind is caused by its dehumanizing essence, for it does involve assisting financially challenged students in education. But if NCLB truly seeks to improve society, then it should be modified for the sake of its citizens, not for itself. And, again, education does not exist in a va cuum. It is influenced by a multitude of factors. To isolate a few factors towards a specific goal for convenience is a vicious understatement.The success of the students, and by extension, the success of an education system, lies not in numbers representing performance, but in the actual performance itself and the happiness of the students. To summarize, if statesmen wish to improve the US education system and be practical about it, they should not focus on improving education just for the countrythey should improve it for students everywhere. The improvement of the country will follow naturally.Learning from the failures of NCLBIf statesmen still hope to pursue the same goals that they had with NCLB, they should do so from a different standpoint. It is not enough to aim to simply raise a singular metricas if that, alone, determines the quality of education. Of course, it can be conceded that metrics are helpful as a means of quantitatively describing a certain phenomenon. Hence, w hat is proposed here is another metric: happiness. It is not enough that a student performs well. It should also be the case that he is happy doing so out of passion, not mere compliance to a quota.An important clarification: happiness here is happiness becauseof education, not in spite of it.Metrics, to be sure, are not completely accurate determinants of phenomena. In the present version of NCLB, proficiency is the metric used to determine that a student is performing excellently. In particular, however, it is used to determine that a student is performing well in reading and math, and little in any other class.The scenario depicted above, where schools make their students focus only on reading and math, may be extreme, but it is what NCLB will lead to, should it be followed completely. Even the proposed metric of happiness can be faulty. Very likely will it be determined by means of survey or questionnaire, in which case some students may simply give misleading information that m ight sway towards a particular result.The purpose of metrics is to have a systematic understanding of specific phenomena. This is already inherently flawed. A metric is a representation of a phenomenon, raw data molded into something else based on a framework. As a representation, it cannot completely replicate a phenomenon. NCLBs proficiency metric, especially, contorts proficiency into something limited and specific.Another proposal here is something that may be less systematic, but perhaps more accurate and humanizing: instructor involvement. NCLB places great emphasis on the students and tests and little on teachers and institutionsthe latter group given notice only when they are not good enough to reach a quota.Instructor involvement is measured the feedback of teachers on the performance of students, not only academically but emotionally. Most importantly, it involves the teachers actively engaging with the students outside of academicsnot favoring some students, but consideri ng all students. NCLB should not only be concerned with letting financially challenged students excel, but also making them feel welcome in class despite of their financial situation, making sure that no child truly gets left behind.In this way, the quality of education will be sure to improve, and so will the placement of the United States in the education world rankings, if that is still a concern. One of the best examples: Norway. They do not aim for a quota, yet they are one of the best education systems in the world.The spirit of educationAt this point, education appears complex. That is because it is, and it should absolutely not be taken for granted. The discussion above is not meant to talk about a philosophy of educationso to speakas the main point of discussion. Rather, it talks about NCLB and whether it succeeded or not.But since NCLB is a concern of education, and since it represents a problem of how education is perceived, a proper discussion of education itself should be made, so that any further laws or regulations similar to NCLB may be informed and charged with the true spirit of education. With a possible revision of NCLB proposed, there may be hope for the US education system and financially challenged students in the future, and perhaps true success of No Child Left Behind shall truly be achieved.Academic writing service for studentsEducation is of the essence to the individual. Done right, it brings out the best version of a person. Here at , we firmly believe in the spirit of education, with which we improve our craft. This is why we are a highly respected and reputable academic writing service company. If you seek assistance in essay writing, we are more than happy to provide you quality essay helpwe will write an entire custom essay, custom research paper, or custom term paper tailored just for you as well, and much more! Consult us now and ace that essay.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects to Unrestricted Ambition in Macbeth by William...

Of the many plays written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth is considered by many to be his darkest work. This play displays the significant amount of events that Macbeth experiences throughout to obtain the crown by rushing his fate. He acts out of unrestricted ambition with no moral limitation. Macbeth struggles between the dominance of good and evil. His unrestricted actions lead to the transformation and downfall of once the brave solider we first meet to the ruthless murderer he becomes. Macbeth is displayed, as the villain throughout most of the play due to his evil will. The murders, lies and problems for the kingdom are just some of the events. However, before all this there was a good side to Macbeth. The good traits such as bravery, honour, ambitious and loving were just a few of these traits. Macbeth is a brave solider for his king in times of need especially in the beginning of the play. â€Å"For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name† (1.2.16). The Captain stating this shows that his fellow soldiers see him as a brave and loyal solider to the kingdom because of his great efforts on the battlefield. His ambition is one of the great factors that starts off with good intent and doesn’t have enough to do anything with a will of evil. Lady Macbeth questions the will in him to obtain the crown. She says, â€Å"it is too full o’th’milk of human kindness to catch the nearest way† (1.5.16-17). She tells him that she doesn’t think he has what it to obtain the crown because heShow MoreRelatedMoral Destruction by Unchecked Ambition1253 Words   |  5 PagesWilliam Shakespeare born on April 23, 1564 contributed deeply to the innovated speech on the subject of playwriting, poetry, and acting. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, northwest of London. When Shakespeare was eighteen he married Anne Hathaway and had three children. The majority of Shakespeares life was not just spent in school but in the theatre world in London were he had found and started venturing into the writing profession by the early 1590s. Shakespeare was ambitious when it

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Obstacles in Workplace Communication for Ethics - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theObstacles in Workplace Communication for Business Ethics. Answer: Workplace communication can be termed as the process of transmission of information among the employees in a corporate set up. Workplace communication can be in non-verbal, gestural or verbal forms. At present due to technological innovations, the scenario of corporate communications has experienced major upheavals (Zhang and Venkatesh 2013). This executive summary outlines the fact to discuss about the techniques in which the challenges and opportunities of corporate communication in a workplace can be embraced, in relation to three informative article pieces. Technology comprises many negative as well as affirmative effects. Technology has definitely assisted the languishing economies to upgrade their economic status and provide its citizens a better place to live (Argenti 2006). Contrastingly, technology has also contributed massively to the burgeoning levels of pollution in the environment and the maximization of toxic waste materials. Nevertheless, technology has also left a compelling mark upon the arena of communication in a workplace. Technology has positively altered the scenario of corporate communication dynamically. A corporate set up can embrace and seize the fruitful opportunities which technology has brought to workplace communications. Information has become very easy to obtain through the enormous presence of the web as well as by other media forms. Unnecessary meetings and discussions to transmit vital business information can be reduced largely. These will help the employees in corporate set ups to give effective and smart performances in less time and within a reasonable business budget (Schultz, Castell and Morsing 2013). Employees can also have great liberty in actualizing their work. Information can be efficiently outsourced and having a globalised work force has become a piece of cake for the corporate houses. This was unthinkable in the past because the employers kept a close tab on the work activity of the employees. Technological changes has made the communication process more visually attractiv e, informative and stimulating. Along with the innumerable opportunities, technology has also led to the creation of acute challenges in the world of corporate communication. New age, modern communication has led to severe business loss for the corporate set-ups because of the ease in collecting transparent business information by the competitors. Substantial business information of a corporate set up can be easily accessed and taken advantage of by the rivals. To minimize this, corporate set-ups must utilize technology for the purpose of alliance and teamwork. Technology has amplified corporate communication in quantity rather than in quality. This tests the patience of the corporate employees. Due to overburden of information, employees tend to misunderstand and overlook vital guidelines. To overcome this, corporate set ups must provide constructive training to the employees to cope up with the pressure. In this era of instant rumors and tidings, corporate set ups can be bombarded by questions from the journalist s and enquiries from the customers, most of which requires immediate acknowledgements (Barnaghi et al. 2012). If they are not acknowledged within a short time then the corporate set up faces the risk of disesteem and opprobrium. They do not give ample time for the corporate set up to prepare for press meets or seminars. To minimize this, employees must be taught about the concept of customer grievance redressal. The corporate set up must learn to take time, comprehend the whole issue and then gradually formulate a situation specific response. Another negative effect of technological change in corporate communication is that it leads to fabrication of corporate information. People can resort to forgery and blackmailing. To overcome this, corporate set ups must coach employees about corporate ethical practices and etiquettes. Therefore, from the above analysis, it can be said that technological changes has in fact, forcefully altered the countenance of corporate communications in the work place. Technology has transformed the phase of communication miraculously and has made it creative, innovative, time-efficient and convenient. However, both the sides of a coin can never be the same. Corporate set-ups must also create constructive remedial actions to make optimum utilization of the various communication challenges and shortcomings. References Argenti, P.A., 2006. How technology has influenced the field of corporate communication.Journal of Business and Technical Communication,20(3), pp.357-370. Barnaghi, P., Wang, W., Henson, C. and Taylor, K., 2012. Semantics for the Internet of Things: early progress and back to the future.International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems (IJSWIS),8(1), pp.1-21. Schultz, F., Castell, I. and Morsing, M., 2013. The construction of corporate social responsibility in network societies: A communication view.Journal of business ethics,115(4), pp.681-692. Zhang, X. and Venkatesh, V., 2013. Explaining employee job performance: The role of online and offline workplace communication networks.Mis Quarterly,37(3).

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Telemachus And Penelope Essay Example For Students

Telemachus And Penelope Essay The disagreement between Telemachus and Penelope arises from differing opinionson the entertainment of Phemius. Phemius is singing the tale of the Greekwarriors of Troy and their homecomings when Penelope descends from her chambersto protest this choice of music. She scolds him, and orders him to stop becausehe has reminded her of Odysseus, whos long lost at sea. Telemachus rebukeshis mother by protesting that the bard has the right to sing anything he wishes. He then sends his mother off to her chambers, declaring that he is the master ofthe house. This clash between Penelope and Telemachus was caused by both. Penelopes fault was that she did not stop to consider Telemachus feelingson the subject. She is so engrossed in her own pain for her lost love that sheis blind to the problems of her son. She does not see his insecurities on hispast and especially his future, or his lack of confidence in himself. Most ofall, she is ignorant to his inner struggle between love and hate for Odysseus. We will write a custom essay on Telemachus And Penelope specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now She does not realize his need to learn of his legacy, she only sees her griefand her pain. . She is very detached from the world, and focuses on her griefand pain. Because she is so preoccupied with her own problems, she has neglectedher duties as a mother. She, in her distress, has pushed her son away from her. This disagreement over Phemius only shows the deep chasm that has come betweenthem. As for Telemachus, he makes the same mistakes as his mother in that herefuses to see her side of the issue. He, too, is deeply engrossed in hisproblems that he does not see the deep extent of his mothers pain. Himordering her to leave is a sign that he believes her feelings to be almostinconsequential compared to his. His eagerness to learn of Odysseus greatdeeds seems to overshadow the sadness his mother feels. The tales of the TrojanWar are the only way in which he can come to know his father, who he does notremember, since Penelope obviously avoids the topic entirely. He needs to knowhis legacy. Most importantly, he is searching for a way to justify hisfathers absence, and to justify why he has left Ithaca in such a state ofdisorder. However, his quest for his legacy was not the only reason he had fordefending Phemius. It was also caused by his resentment towards his mother forhaving known his fath er and not telling him about him. He feels that his motherhas prevented him from gaining an understanding of his heritage. Thisdisagreement over Phemius was a window to the anger that Telemachus had towardshis mother for not familiarizing him with the legacy of his father. Anotherreason Telemachus was so quick to rebuke Penelope was his deep desire to exerthis power and his dominance, his rightful dominance over the household. Byordering his mother to leave the hall, he is showing to the suitors that it ishe, not his mother, who has more power. When he declares that he is master ofthe house, partially caused by the newfound courage distilled in him by Athena,he is introducing a new him. This was his opportunity to establish his positionabove the suitors and prepare for his announcement that he will go search forhis father. This disagreement allowed Telemachus to step into the limelight, andexpress himself as a force to be reckoned with. .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .postImageUrl , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:hover , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:visited , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:active { border:0!important; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:active , .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402 .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u73d2a48cc07fa82e1fd05083053c9402:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Confucianism and Christianity EssayMythology